Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hello Again.

I have been away for many weeks. Certainly not the best method for developing a loyal blog following! I have a very good excuse and my dog did not eat my homework. I am almost sixteen weeks pregnant. It's delightful and precious and challenging and exhausting. I spent a good chunk of my first tri hurling chunks and have not rolled out my yoga mat in about ten weeks let along put on my hiking shoes and gone for a long walk. Two days ago I cooked for friends, I fried off the onion which is huge progress from the weeks spent sending Dale into the backyard to cook on the camping stove.

I have a teensy bump and my waist has vanished. I eat nutri-grain for breakfast mainly because the slogan on the box reads, 'will you be ready when the time comes?' That cracks Dale and I up. Don't ever read the sugar content of nutri-grain. I eat two to three grapefruit per day and cannot have water unless it has at least a good squeeze of lemon juice, plain water still makes me feel ill. We talk to bub as often as we can. Dale thinks we are having a boy. I am not sure.

I have not been working. At all. Nothing. Zip. Oh, actually I cleaned the house last saturday and then again today. Oh, and there's that whole growing a baby thing which is a big job. 

We are planning a homebirth with a superb local midwife. My advice, if you are planning a homebirth; be careful who you tell because defending myself on that one has been very boring and other people's fear is a real downer. This is certainly not some wayward hippie idea. This is a conscious choice to bring our bub into the world in the most loving, supported and safe way that we can. 

My sister-in-law just had another boy, 10lb. That's a large baby. We went to visit and she asked if we could pick her up some caffeine free, sugar free coke on the way. She wanted a six pack but we could only find a twelve pack carton. So Dale and I walk into the maternity ward of the Royal Women's hospital with a carton of caffeine free coke zero. I felt like I deserved to be arrested! It could only have been better if we had a bottle of wild turkey and a carton of smokes. What I holy stuck up yogi I am!

The sun was out today, all day. The washing dried on the line. I opened all the windows. I wore my sandals on my bike. I feel as though I am emerging from a fog, from underneath a heavy blanket. I have felt gratitude to be with child the whole time but the nausea and the emotion has tested my limits. As will labor and a newborn. As will a two year old and a teenager. 

I'm ready for the ride.


Anne-Marie said...

I found your blog just after your last post and was disappointed you seemed to have disappeared! Good to see you back, and congratulations on your impending new arrival. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes as well as possible.

the meditator said...

Congratulations! A new adventure begins. My tip : just breathe .. all the time .. watch the breath and marvel at the wonder unfolding. Oh, and keep smiling.

Hali Chambers said...


I bounced over here from Nadine's blog. My mother is a midwife & I grew up with babies being born in our house. That was normal for me. It wasn't until I got a bit more exposure to the real world that I came to understand that medicine treats pregnancy & birth as a disease instead of a natural process.

Mum says that YOU are the mother and it's YOUR CHOICE how you want to birth YOUR baby. You don't owe any explanation to anyone.

Breathing: Mum teaches her clients to learn a 30 second-count breath. You start by breathing in 5 seconds & out for 5 seconds. Then 10, & so on until you can get to a 30 second breath in & the 30 second breath out. So that your breathing is the length of the contraction.

Due date: Mum says, "Babies come when they're ready." The due date is accurate 5% of the time; it's an estimate. It's when we interfere with nature that we create complications.

Relaxation: Fear leads to tension, tension leads to pain. Mum says that it should feel like pressure. She had 6 children herself. Practice relaxation techniques & visualize your optimal birth experience. You'll do fine!


Nadine Fawell said...

My dear!
It was so so wonderful to meet you on Sat.
I thought you might enjoy these two posts over at Crescence Krueger's blog.

Bob Weisenberg said...

I happened to notice your link on Linda's blog and of course I just had to come over and say hello, since just yesterday I put a picture of an Australian ocean at the top of my own blog and eBook. It's also the cover of my eBook.

Bob Weisenberg

Svasti said...

Well, congratulations on your pregnancy! Seems you decided to take a step anyway :)

Hopefully once all the chucking is done, you'll feel ready for a bit of gentle yoga again, if you choose.

A home birth sounds superb to me. All the very best with it and I hope you keep us updated.