Saturday, August 15, 2009

Hello Again.

I have been away for many weeks. Certainly not the best method for developing a loyal blog following! I have a very good excuse and my dog did not eat my homework. I am almost sixteen weeks pregnant. It's delightful and precious and challenging and exhausting. I spent a good chunk of my first tri hurling chunks and have not rolled out my yoga mat in about ten weeks let along put on my hiking shoes and gone for a long walk. Two days ago I cooked for friends, I fried off the onion which is huge progress from the weeks spent sending Dale into the backyard to cook on the camping stove.

I have a teensy bump and my waist has vanished. I eat nutri-grain for breakfast mainly because the slogan on the box reads, 'will you be ready when the time comes?' That cracks Dale and I up. Don't ever read the sugar content of nutri-grain. I eat two to three grapefruit per day and cannot have water unless it has at least a good squeeze of lemon juice, plain water still makes me feel ill. We talk to bub as often as we can. Dale thinks we are having a boy. I am not sure.

I have not been working. At all. Nothing. Zip. Oh, actually I cleaned the house last saturday and then again today. Oh, and there's that whole growing a baby thing which is a big job. 

We are planning a homebirth with a superb local midwife. My advice, if you are planning a homebirth; be careful who you tell because defending myself on that one has been very boring and other people's fear is a real downer. This is certainly not some wayward hippie idea. This is a conscious choice to bring our bub into the world in the most loving, supported and safe way that we can. 

My sister-in-law just had another boy, 10lb. That's a large baby. We went to visit and she asked if we could pick her up some caffeine free, sugar free coke on the way. She wanted a six pack but we could only find a twelve pack carton. So Dale and I walk into the maternity ward of the Royal Women's hospital with a carton of caffeine free coke zero. I felt like I deserved to be arrested! It could only have been better if we had a bottle of wild turkey and a carton of smokes. What I holy stuck up yogi I am!

The sun was out today, all day. The washing dried on the line. I opened all the windows. I wore my sandals on my bike. I feel as though I am emerging from a fog, from underneath a heavy blanket. I have felt gratitude to be with child the whole time but the nausea and the emotion has tested my limits. As will labor and a newborn. As will a two year old and a teenager. 

I'm ready for the ride.