As well as recovering from being burnt out and exhausted from the island, this past ten months feels as though it has been an incubator time. A time spent considering my options, which are vast, staying afloat financially with casual work and trying to make a choice. I waiver between wanting to start a family, wanting to commit to finding a way to teach yoga full-time and also wondering if we will need to live outside of Australia to be satisfied and payed well as bodyworkers. I have not decided on any of these paths although the most likely seems trying to have a baby. The point is I have so many options and so many ideas and yet I cannot settle on or commit energy to any of them right now. It is hard to know whether to accept this as a time to ponder and consider or whether I need to force myself to take a step in A direction, ANY direction. Fear of failure? Fear of making the wrong decision? Fear of heading in a direction that cuts me off from other opportunities?
Gathering the Loose Threads
11 years ago
i relate to a lot of what you're saying, so you're not alone. and yes, isn't ted brilliant? (and i'm an elizabeth gilbert groupie!)
hang in there. :)
xo nina
p.s. thanks for your comment on naturally nina today.
Hey Kate!
Thanks for the link love! I love TED too, and Elizabeth Gilbert, acutally.
I am facing some of the same issues as you right now - interesting times! I keep saying I am waiting for the madness to pass. The time will come when I can see clearly again. It's just not now. Maybe it's that way for you, too!
Hello, fellow Victorian yogini. I've found your blog circuitously. Love the ocean photo in your header. I'm very attracted to the ocean, too.
The Gilbert TED talk was great. I felt a bit so-so about her book, but its great to hear her speak. She has a lot of interesting things to say. :)
I think the past year or two have been like this for a lot of people. So many of us seem to have had plenty to contemplate. It's year of the Tiger next year, so it should be a lot more energetic. Thank goodness, I say!
And yes, sometimes the way forward is to just take a step in any of those directions and see what happens. It doesn't mean you've committed to that direction, but it might help clarify things...
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