Something so interesting has become apparent since last weeks little 'ah ha' moment. I am sure this must not be a new experience but it feels bigger than ever. In my yoga practice I am noticing incredible physical and energetic lightness and clarity. New space in my hips, a sense of deep power and strength in my core, fluidity and grace in my movements and more ease in sitting practice. Woohoo! I have written 'Be the place where LOVE flows through' on my vision board and have been really contemplating what this actually means, how can that translate into a somatic experience? The mat has been such rich soil to play with that idea and I am sensing that relaxing is key. If emotion is 'energy in motion' then it makes profound sense to relax, relax, relax and focus on releasing tension and breathing into the tight spots. If my energy can flow freely then I can receive love and give love more freely. It makes such sense to me that emotional suffering translates as pain, blockage and stagnation in my body, I have felt it and I am currently feeling the opposite. Damn that is such helpful information to truly embody, empowering information. This is a pretty simple mind-body AH moment but I still get a tad tickled every time it happens.
I have a treatment booked tonight and then I am receiving a treatment from a friend. After three years on the island doing all sorts of bodywork and spa treatments and adapting to giving Shiatsu on a table to save set up time I am so buzzed to be treating on the floor again. It feels incredibly authentic and deep. The other day I was grumbling that it takes me so long to get things done, much longer than I plan or expect. My man suggested that I lower my expectations and then whatever I get done will be a fantastic achievement. It seemed like an amusing way to trick my mind and I'll do anything to pull one over my complicated little noggin.' So at this stage I am aiming for two bookings a week with some hope to increase that to five at some point. This is mega luxurious for a gal who was cranking out up to thirty treatments a week not that long ago. This is my practice in slow living.....and slow income!
The days are cooling significantly and on reflection it seems like summer lasted about two weeks. I am well adjusted to hot weather and could handle a little more than a two week long summer although the week that we moved our bed into the kitchen, the only room with A/C, was a little mental. It's fair to say that I am scared of the winter so over the next month or so I am committed to getting a little more ready for what's to come by stocking up on wool clothing and sealing my search for the perfect boots. The $US600 Red 'Fiorenti and Baker' boots I found in LA last year are not the perfect boots....right?
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